Why It Is Important to Hire a Child Custody Attorney

In the wake of a divorce or separation, many parents struggle with who will get custody of their children. These issues are some of the most emotional and contentious legal disputes that families face.

In cases where both parties are in alignment with what is best for their children, the Court will usually give priority to a parenting agreement that is as close to this ideal as possible. However, when parents disagree, it is important to seek representation from a child custody attorney who understands the intricacies involved in child custody cases. These attorneys are able to assist clients in creating a parenting plan that is in their best interests as well as the interests of their children. If you are looking for an experienced Child Custody Attorney, visit https://www.sacramentodivorceattorneys.net/child-custody/ for guidance and Free Consultation!

The primary factor that the Court considers when making a decision about legal and physical custody is what is in the best interest of the child. This can include factors like a parent’s ability to care for the child, their home environment and living situation, their work schedule, any new relationships, or other relevant information. Although the Court prefers to award both parents shared legal and physical custody of the children, it does have broad discretion in deciding the final outcome of a custody case.

If one parent receives sole legal and physical custody of the children, the other will be granted visitation rights. These rights are also commonly referred to as “parenting time.” The Court believes it is in the best interests of the child for both parents to have a regular and consistent relationship with them.

There are some situations in which the parent who does not get custody will move to another location, usually a different state or country. When this occurs, the non-custodial parent must obtain a new court order that allows them to continue to have a close relationship with their child. In these situations, a Manhattan child custody lawyer from this firm can assist with this process.

A child custody attorney can provide assistance to a client in a variety of ways, including the preparation and filing of paperwork, obtaining necessary testimony from outside professionals, and negotiating with opposing counsel. These services can be vital in ensuring that the client has a strong case that is presented well before the Judge.

A child custody attorney should be able to provide guidance through all stages of the process, including mediation and the appeals process, if needed. They should be familiar with the ins and outs of child custody law, as well as other areas of family law. They should be able to manage deadlines, file paperwork on time, and keep clients informed of all relevant proceedings. Experienced lawyers are able to take the stress out of these sensitive cases. They are also able to offer peace of mind to their clients, knowing that they will be well represented and protected in this difficult time. They are committed to improving the lives of families through skillful and effective legal representation.

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